Anti Ragging Cell
In accordance with the directives issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court on May 8, 2009, and in alignment with the commitment of the Central Government and the University Grants Commission to eliminate the menace of ragging, we are dedicated to ensuring a safe and supportive environment for all students.
Ragging includes any of the following acts:
- Teasing or mistreating a fresher or any student through spoken or written words, or through actions that cause rudeness or discomfort.
- Engaging in rowdy or undisciplined behavior that causes, or is likely to cause, physical or psychological harm, fear, or apprehension to a fresher or any student.
- Coercing a student to perform acts they would normally not do, resulting in embarrassment, shame, or harm to their physical or mental well-being.
- Disrupting academic activities by senior students, causing interference with a fresher’s or any other student’s regular studies.
- Exploiting a fresher or student by forcing them to perform tasks for personal or group academic benefit.
- Financial extortion or forcing a fresher or student to bear an undue financial burden.
- Physical abuse, including sexual harassment, assault, stripping, forcing obscene acts, or any harm to health or body.
- Verbal or written abuse, including insults through spoken words, emails, posts, or public humiliation, which cause distress or derive pleasure from another’s discomfort.
- Acts that harm mental health or self-confidence, whether or not intended to show power, authority, or superiority over a fresher or any student.
Administrative Action and punishment for Ragging
The institution will take appropriate disciplinary action against students found guilty of ragging, based on the procedure outlined below:
Decision by the Anti-Ragging Committee:
- The Anti-Ragging Committee will assess the facts and severity of each ragging incident and decide on the punishment based on recommendations from the Anti-Ragging Squad.
Possible Punishments for Students Found Guilty: Depending on the nature and severity of the offense, the following actions may be taken against those found guilty:
- Suspension from classes and academic privileges.
- Withholding or withdrawing scholarships, fellowships, and other benefits.
- Debarring from appearing in tests, exams, or any evaluation process.
- Withholding of results.
- Banning participation in any regional, national, or international events, tournaments, or youth festivals.
- Expulsion from the college.
- Cancellation of admission.
- Rustication for a period ranging from one to four semesters.
- Expulsion from the institution and debarring from admission to any other institution for a specified period.
Collective Punishment:
- If the individuals responsible for ragging are not identified, the institution may impose collective punishment on the involved group.
Appeal Process:
- Against institution orders: The student can appeal to the Vice-Chancellor of the University (if affiliated), or to the Chancellor (if the order is from the University itself).
- Against University orders: The student may appeal to the Chancellor of the University.
- Against national institution orders: The student may appeal to the Chairman or Chancellor of the institution.
Disciplinary Action for Faculty or Staff Lapses:
- If any faculty or staff member fails to report or act promptly to prevent ragging, or shows an apathetic or insensitive attitude, departmental disciplinary action will be initiated.
- If the failure is attributed to the Head of the institution, the authority responsible for appointing the Head will take disciplinary action.
This action is in addition to any legal action that may be taken under criminal law for abatement of ragging or failure to prevent ragging.
Members of Anti Ragging Cell
एण्टी रैगिंग समिति-
1-डॉ0 संदीप कुमार-संयोजक मो0-9410536929
2-सुश्री चन्द्रा नबियाल-सदस्य
3-सुश्री पूर्णिमा विश्वकर्मा-सदस्य
4-डॉ० कुलवीर सिंह राणा-सदस्य

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